k blog revived . Again..................Though nthinh much to say expt for that GO TNKKB KIRB GO.Will be behind u all the way ( hidding).Hate all musically talented ppl cause i cannot play ani musical instrument.Now back to the main subject on yesterday when i go out to eat with mel,jk and mitch(most of u don no him) , i bought a icecream and when i was walking saw this young kid hu was also eating ice cream so as i was sian i went up to him from the behind and said i love ice cream while smiling at him. He was so shock he practically jump then off i went, as mitch says DUMB ACT NUMBER 9, the other 8 acts are for u to find out and me to know.heres some pic that i take within this week.

here is a dog pic taken near my house

another pic taken near my house

here is my family ( all from when i was p2)

here is when i was force to go to church and is my mom friend child.HOPE U ALL CAN KEEP MY BLOG ALIVE PLS TAG.Labels: RANDOM CRAP FROM CRAP LAND