Dreams are which the mind conceives, the heart desires, and the soul believes.k yest bb offically ended for the sec 4 ....mean we can step down liao...
but the feeling is more of a sad than happy unlike 1 month ago when we were thinking steooing down will be damn cause no more bb liao
but yest...we found out that wasnt true ....sadness came to most of us when we think about not getting to have fun with all oour friends and just hanging out together....will miss those memories of just playing a fool with one another and maybe even the SPIRAL STAIRCASE (oni few ppl know haha ) but still its not like bb really ended for us all...we can still come back though it won be as fun as being boys liao haha
so yest wen to school at bout10 to polish my boots and stuff than nat came 5 min later than kp...i thought we were early sia but THE GBS THERE LIAO DOING DRILL sick sia ...
had a practice before lunch ....
before i had my lunch i was called into the office to see my officers with a few other sec 4 like wilson , mitch , cy and such telling us that we won be promoted cause of various reason for me which was inspection fail...and that we should feel upsad and such but frankly speacking i wasnt upsad at all just regret not working hard enough but still when i first join bb i don even axpect to even become a staff-sgt at all and thats kinda enough liao....
so the real thing started and it was all well
took pics whenever we could even in the church haha before it started lol
oh oh new csm is raxton and bsm is kokyong lol....though raxton is as ass sometimes but u must addmit that he can controll ppl well and has good leadership haha
.....tried to take pics with everyone but failed cause couldnt find everyone haha....wah amazingly the guys seem to take more pics that the gals haha